The VTK Simple Sphere Benchmark Results Database

Here follow measures after applying criteria :
System family :
Show performances for :
Flat shading - small sphere
 (v1-bench compatibility)
Flat shading
Stripped polygons
Textured and Transparency
To have explanation of parameters you may refer to introductive text
Click on an active column header to sort by the correspondig field
CPU and system Graphics renderingFlat shading - small sphere
 (v1-bench compatibility)
Screen depth Author(s) & remarks

Thanks to contributors !
(1) Robert Rivière
(2) Sébastien Barré
(3) Alexander Supalov
(4) Ted Whidden
(5) Robert Belleman
(6) Michiel Jansen
(7) Mark Beall
(8) Paul Ferry
(9) John Shalf
(10) Michael A. Chupa
(11) Ray Flanery
(12) Heather Drury
(13) Fabrice Pelleau
(14) Simon J. Rees
(15) Jorrit Schaap
(16) Dave Pont
(17) Hiroki Yamamoto
(18) Bill Lorensen
(19) Jose Paulo Moitinho de Almeida
(20) Dieter Nützel
(21) Bjorn Erik Halvorsen
(22) Boyd R. Pukalo
(23) John M. Anast
(24) Zsolt Zsoldos
(25) Jan Stifter
(26) Prashanth Kini
(27) Olivier Jautzy
(28) Kirt Schaper
(29) Günter Paczko
(30) Dennis Sessanna
(31) James V Miller
(32) David Gobbi
(33) Marco Bertagnini
(34) Michael Tiemann
(35) Goodwin Lawlor
(36) Adrian Anner
(37) Bryan VanDeVen
(38) Christopher Volpe
(39) James Dickson
(40) Greg Johnson
(41) Donald C Power
(42) Angelo Mangili
(43) Dimitris Agrafiotis
(44) VtkEditor
(45) Nigel Nunn
(46) Matthew Gillen
(47) Gerald Dalley
(48) Raphael Arlitt
(49) Eric Browne
(50) Dave Herzig
(51) Matjaz Subelj
(52) Christina Rossmanith
(53) John Biddiscombe
(54) Jean-Paul Retru
(55) Henri
(56) Pedro García Patrón

R. Rivière - last modification on 19 November 2001